The American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) is a national, nonprofit organization focused on increasing Native American and Alaska Native representation in science, technology, engineering, and math related fields of study. AISES supports professional development through scholarships, internships, educational opportunities, regional and national conferences, and various other STEM-promoting programs and events. Guided by leaders and elders, AISES scholars comprise a strong network of rising professionals whose individual purposes converge on the ultimate goal of growing into strong, self-determined, independently capable members of society and effective leaders in strengthening Native communities for generations to come.
Mission Statement
The AISES mission is to increase substantially the representation of American Indian and Alaskan Natives in engineering, science and other related technology disciplines.
History and Goals
The American Indian Science and Engineering Society was created by American Indian scientists, engineers and educators in 1977. In view of the high dropout rates and low college enrollment and graduation rates of American Indians compared with all other ethnic groups in the United States, and the severe under representation of American Indians in the science and engineering fields, Native professionals resolved to create an organization that would identify and remove the barriers to academic success for Native students. Through a variety of educational programs, AISES offers financial, academic, and cultural support to American Indians and Alaska Natives from middle school through graduate school. AISES provides professional development activities to enable teachers to work effectively with Native students. It also develops culturally appropriate curricula and publications. AISES builds partnerships with tribes, schools, other non-profit organizations, corporations, foundations and government agencies to realize its goals. AISES especially helps American Indian and Native Alaskan students prepare for careers in science, technology, engineering and business. American Indians live on lands with abundant natural resources and potential for development. With proper management of these resources by skilled Indian professionals, tribal nations will be able to take giant steps to diminish the persistent problems of alcoholism, poverty, suicide and despair, and to build strong and sustainable Indian and Alaskan communities characterized by self-determination and self-reliance. Organizational Structure AISES is a large organization that is made up by seven regions. These regions encompass the United States and Canada. AISES is comprised by grade school, college, and professional chapters. The UC Davis chapter is located within Region 2. How to Contact AISES The AISES national headquarters is located in Albuquerque, NM. 2201 Buena Vista S.E. Suite 301 Albuquerque, NM 87106. Phone: (505) 765-1052, Web Address: www.aises.org Email: info@aises.org
AISES is an Equal Opportunity Employer Sources of Support
AISES is supported primarily by grants from both public and private funding agencies, membership dues and the marketing of merchandise (books, calendars, cards, etc.).
We also have our own fundraisers, the most successful being frybread sales.